There are still outstanding big picture issues to be resolved in the short term for the health and safety of those concerned, especially me, but it would be good if I was healthy to be able to deal with these issues, so I have to relax a bit more, take things a bit easier and pace myself. One of the things that’s obviously suffered in all this has been the blogging which is a pity as it’s one of the things that I’ve enjoyed the most, so being able to blog now has been a huge relief and over at Among Friends (AF), I’ve been picking things up slowly but surely. I expect it to take a few more weeks before I can really get a settled rhythm of life going in the new order and that’s not taking into account the impending family changes as exams, holidays, moves and other changes loom large on the horizon! Oh the fun of being Christopher Dryden – to be fair I wouldn’t have it that different, only thing I would change is … well I’ll leave that for another blog entry.
Right onward with the topic at hand. Once again I’m struck by something whilst watching CBeebies. Come Outside features Aunt Mabel as played by Lynda Baron who I’m sure was also famous for being somewhat of hot crumpet from some leering middle aged guys back in the 1980’s. Indeed thanks to the power of the InterWeb I can confirm that yes she was that bit of crumpet in the ever ‘funny’ Open All Hours. (She was in Eastenders as well, apparently, but who cares about that?)
Oh and as a quick side note, as a secular reference to a spiritually deep issue I just want to give a shout out to Prodigal Jon’s ace blog entry on this issue. Read it here to find the best excuses to watch funny programmes and keep your halo on!
In any case, as I turned it on Aunt Mabel was concluding her explanation of the marmalade making process. She finished with something along the lines of ‘that’s all there is to know about making marmalade’. I’m not being super-critical, after all this is a programme aimed at people around Deborah’s age and it is of some educational value for children to appreciate what goes behind the things they may take for granted.
That got me thinking then about the way we read the Bible especially in terms of things like creation. Now I’ve read Genesis 1 with a group of people before and I reckon it took less than 7 minutes, maybe a bit more, but it’s not that long a chapter to read at all. In there I’m led to believe is all there is to know about Creation, yet I look outside my window up the road where there’s greenery and in the sky with the various cloud formations and the promise of more rain (this is England, after all). I then think to myself that even if I were to indeed spend six days and six nights gazing at what forms creation I still wouldn’t be able to give all there is to know about creation.
Millions of words and images have been dedicated to the
Keith Green shares a wonderful sentiment in I Can’t Wait To Get To Heaven that if God took six days and six nights to put this universe into being imagine what it will be like to experience the new heaven and earth that he’s been working on to date over 2000 years! Or better yet, don’t bother trying to imagine something that is so mind-bogglingly beyond human comprehension and rest in the contentment of the hope of something even more wondrous than this fascinatingly complex ecological structure that provides our habitation.
For His Name's Sake