Yeah, I feel bad that I’ve neglected this here blog for the best part of a month – it’s just not good enough following my desire to blog properly more often. Yet I know I am forgiven and the Lord truly does not want me to live in condemnation I’ll apply the godly sorrow principle and simply repent – which I begin in earnest with this entry.
First and foremost since the last entries which were LIVE from the Mission Shaped Ministry training, I’ve gone through an interesting time ‘on leave’! I’ve come out of it with a renewed desire to honour my Heavenly Father by pursuing His Son whole-heartedly by being led by His Spirit.
This evening I had a conversation with my sister who pointed out something really spot on when it comes to things like fasting. It’s so important when we learn something from God that we follow it through now and apply it now as there will come a time when we want to apply certain things or fall back on stuff we should have learnt ages ago and there will be nothing to go back to. The last thing we want to do is live in regret and so it’s almost as if God is getting us to make the most of our time now and activate the things we’ve heard from Him and store some stuff in the spiritual bank to make withdrawals when the chips are down. My own journey is that I’m between regretting not having done what I could have and missing out on making the most of where what I know could take me. So for the sake of the argument I’m just looking to take each day as it comes as though God wants me to live it to the full and witness the many opportunities He’s put to see His will come through in various situations.
Right – coming soon to this blog will be the study series I’m doing with CSD team on fasting part one provisionally entitled Desperately Seeking God or it could just as easily be called Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures. Look out for that among other blog initiatives that I hope to get up and running sooner rather than …
For His Name’s Sake
da man cd