Thursday, May 29, 2008

Abi Birthday

As it’s so close to the time I still remember the events leading up to the birth of my second child and Authrine’s third child. As with Deborah the second birth did not arrive on time. The circumstances were different in the sense that the tension, drama and trauma around the first were not so pronounced in the second.

As night fell on Sunday 28th May 2006 I went to sleep not expecting a disturbance, but low and behold after 1am the wife woke me up insisting she was having the pains more regularly. Thankfully our friend Hughie was awake and ready to come to our aid, so eventually we made it in the hospital for minutes to 3 in the morning. There it was not a long protracted process at all. Indeed it was at 3:29am on Monday 29th May 2006 that Abigail Elizabeth Danielle Dryden made her appearance on planet earth.

Abigail was immediately different to her older sister in being very light in skin tone. This was the source of much merriment among the extended family especially our church family who would have launched enquiries as to the legitimate father of the child. Praise be to God, however, there were distinctive features that could have only come from the Dryden side of the equation.

Since her birth I’ve found Abigail’s development fascinating. It’s not unusual to see her mimicking her sister and others around her. She already wants to help with chores around the house and of course is investigating what’s going on around the house and creating chaos as well as helping in the clean up process. She’s quite something else is Abigail.

I love her smile and her giggle and laugh and making her laugh is harder than making her mother laugh so it’s always an achievement when my efforts hit home! She is a beautiful baby and I often chuckle at the fact that she’s of all people the daughter of Christopher Dryden! No she’s not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but she is such a blessing to my life that I’m grateful to know her and have the privilege and honour of being her father.

For His Name's Sake
da man cd

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