So I’m sitting down thinking about what I have to do research about today, and as I’m making notes, I turn on the computer and access the Word and this beauty comes up. It’s a real gem, so I’ll let it speak for itself.
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Hearing the Law
Tell me, you who desire to be under the law, do you not hear the law? (Gal_4:21)
Many who are redeemed, having found new life through faith in Christ, also want to remain under the law concerning spiritual growth and service. This is another case of "not hearing the law." Any believer who expects to make progress in a life pleasing to the Lord on the basis of one's own best efforts does not really hear what the law reveals as God's will for lives.
The law of God is not suggesting that we "be better;" it is demanding that we "be holy," as holy as God. The law is not implying that we "be nicer;" it is requiring that we "be loving," as loving as Christ. The law is not proposing that we "try harder;" it is insisting that we "be perfect," as perfect as our Father in heaven.
The law of God is not asking us to improve ourselves or to be better than the next person. Many times this inaccurate statement is heard: "Just do the best that you can; what more could God require?" Well, God is demanding far beyond our human best. His law is demanding that lives "be holy," "be loving," and "be perfect." Moreover, He Himself is the standard of this holiness, love, and perfection.
Day by Day by Grace – Bob Hoekstra
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