For His Name’s Sake
Christopher Dryden - man of words, born with a dictionary in his mouth, now lets loose on the net with his first blog. Take a journey through the mind of the world's greatest Christopher Luketon John Dryden. He's unique ... just like everyone else.
It's been quite a year. I look at the entries this year and compare them to last year and the yar before and it's clear that I haven't posted as often as I would have liked to. I mean virtually one every week? Not good enough at all. What makes it all the more sad is that I've been making copious personal notes over the year and some cool links to fascinating sites only some of which I get to mention either on this blog or on me Facebook profile. Not it's not been the kinda blog year I was hoping for as I looked at 2008 from December 2007.
For all that though I am thankful for the year. It has brought up some amazing experiences and some tough challenges and it wouldn't be possible to put them together in this post. Tragedy struck recently when me laptop refused to work and me hard-drive malfunctioned. We are praying the prayer of faith for it's resuscitation so that I may successfully remove over 90GB worth of material that would otherwise be consigned to history. You don't want that. I don't want that. We don't want that, so we'll keep on storming the mercy seat for help in our time of need.
Thankfully though whereas on previous occasions this would be a travesty and disaster on the scale of the Titanic, because of the year that's been about Christ it puts a larger perspective on things. After all, one day the hard-drive, laptop and earth will come to an end and only what I've done for Christ will last. I tust and hope that in the year to come both online and especially on this blog I'll be able to do more for Christ in conveying the good news and sharing my own experiences through that.
In the meantime, should I not blog again before the year's end. Thanks for reading and viewing and commenting where you have. Let's hope for more of the good stuff in the time to come. I as ever look forward with a great deal of optimism to what we're about to recieve and trustthat you'll get something that will allow you to enjoy life and make the most of it.
For His Name's Sake
I'm not sure if I've posted this already and to be frank I don't care if I have. As I reach the end of the year this song remains one of the most important ones I've ever heard. It says so much about what Jesus means to me, what He's done for me and the reason why I want to live my life in gratitude for all of that. JG puts it together in this track so simply and movingly in the melody that whenever I get too self-absorbed it pierces through with the Christ-centredness that I so desperately need to put things in their proper perspective. It is a candidate for track of the year - more importantly it is also a candidate for track of my life so far. I'm grateful to God to allow me to live to hear it and be so blessed by it. I trust that you likewise will be challenged to rejoice in the God of our salvation. Enjoy.
For His Name's Sake
This is not what I was expecting from a harmoica player, but then I also should have known with it being at the world famous Carnegie Hall.
For His Name's sake
This is fascinating I wonder if the same applies to England?
For His Name's Sake
da man cd
David Pawson. Keith Green. John Piper. Mark Driscoll. Paul Washer.
To an extent these men are very different. What they share in common - in my perspective - is an ability to be very provocative. Saying things that come across as outrageous, challenging, offensive, outspoken without a hint of compromise in a spirit of love. Like the brethren in Berea, it's my job to check what they're saying against scripture and make my own conclusions.
I have a maverick/provocative/unconventional streak in me that refuses often to fit with the status quo. So it's no wonder these kinda guys appeal to me. Not only that the fact that they endeavour to follow Jesus Christ and His Word also means that they're not just doing what they're doing to gain a fan club or appease people. So whatever they have to say always leads me to do some research to see if it's so.
All of that to say, when I came across this video it reminded me of that element of leaving people feeling uncomfortable and challenged. Potentially offended and put out. The guy doesn't help by his demeanour which is hardly compassionate and soft. Yet that's perhaps the point. He evidently isn't there to give people a hug. He's here to slap people across the face with his view on God's Word and challenge people to check themselves.
Sometimes we need a good slap.
I'm not saying I agree with what he has to say. I'm not saying I disagree with what he has to say. I don't agree with everything Pawson, Green, Piper, Driscoll and Washer have to say. What I do, though, is check it for myself and come to my own conclusions. This is a touchy subject and a combative approach, but I implore with you, move beyond his rhetoric and your feelings and check the content for yourself and by the grace of God reach a conclusion that fits with His Word and His Way.
For His Name's Sake
da man cd
I so love this spoof. I only wish it wasn't true for aspects of church today, but I guess the reality sadly is very different for a faith that's based on everything being about the Christ we follow. I pray that people will be influenced by Jesus and choose to give their lives for Him who came to give His life for others.
For His Name's Sake
da man cd
Thanks to Phil Cooke for blogging on this - thank God we're not like that, right? Right? Errr ... right?
For His Name's Sake
da man cd
Yeah no full posts for the longest time updating you on what the tin says. I can assure you that I am still in the land of the living and hopefully give a full briefing on what's been going on before I go away ...
In the meantime earlier this year I was asked to talk to a congregation about what job I do and the prevalent thought was about having a mobile faith. One that is able to survive hostile foreign climates, and whilst considering it I remembered this particular song which sums up neatly the whole issue. Enjoy.
For His Name's Sake
da man cd
This is my own contribution to the feminist movement. Indeed for too long they have been oppressed and suppressed from the brutal dictatorship of patriarchy. How they have survived for so long is a mystery to me. I hope as we watch this real to life enactment of the poor Delilah being suppressed by the dictatorial Samson. Hurrah for Delilah.
For His Name's Sake
da man cd
This is something from Desiring God ministries. It is worth checking seriously and based on this verse in the book of James -
From the same mouth come blessing and cursing. My brothers, these things ought not to be so. (James 3:10)
For His Name's Sake
da man cd
I was in two minds which blog to put this on. I've chosen this one as the Among Friends one would do gospel connections on a level for anyone to connect with sans religious know-how.
Either way, this is a good rendition of a classic song that's inspired today's daily thought. Enjoy.
da man cd
I don't usually put me spiritual stuff here, but I'm putting this across both so you can get a chance to hear where this is coming from.
Fascinating stuff
da man cd