Friday, January 16, 2009

What I Do When I Get A Break

It’s nearly 16:45 and I’m allowing myself a little break from activities.

It is a manic week with people pulling in all kinds of crazy shifts in the hope of being ready for a big event taking place tomorrow. The local fellowship to which I belong has taken on a two unit warehouse and converted it from a haulier/shipping location to a multi-purpose training and conference facility. Once the StokeCOG web-site is up and running I’ll link you in to the history of how it came to be. The facility is a first for the denomination to which the fellowship belongs. As a result the hope is that tomorrow will be a large turn-out to celebrate God’s goodness in this provision.

For all associated with and involved in StokeCOG it’s another monumental milestone in the history of the fellowship. Particularly for our leader, Hughie Lawrence (of whom I spoke of quite highly in
this entry from September 2006), this is credit to what happens when people walk by faith.

It is by no means the end of the story; indeed, in many ways the real hard work begins now. The desire is to see the place packed with people, not just for business but also out of relationship and a desire for them to at least experience Christ for themselves, be open to the gospel message and prayerfully see people commit to Christ. Sure it’s got to be a money-spinner, which almost goes without typing, and in being diligent stewards over this then the prayer is that the income will flow even in these trying financial circumstances. The real deal, though, has never been about building made by human hands. It will always be about lives being changed and the church growing in depth, in love of God and each other and in number. On Wednesday we had the community launch for the facility which went fairly well.

All of this to say that a lot of work has gone into this, so it’s actually been God’s grace that has allowed me to find time to blog in the midst of all this. Once this coming week is over, there should be some time to shift gears so that although we’ll be moving it won’t be at such a manic pace. Especially for the sake of the family, I’m hoping there will be time for rest and recuperation for Authrine who always goes for it with all she’s got. As for me, I’m sure I’ll find my quiet time somewhere and be able to commit more quality into this blog writing business as well as other pressing pursuits.

I’m also getting near the end of the Chester and Guinness books which is a bit sad. It’s like having to say goodbye to good friends when you end a book and these two books have been treasures in my spiritual development as they point me more to Christ, His call and His power to change me from within and change us from without likewise. I’m looking forward to posting book reviews on these two. Also look out for the proper re-launch of Daily Thoughts – by e-mail and online! That should be up and happening all being well by Monday!

Well, there’s still plenty to be done and I must not slacken the pace, so it’s back to work I go. Hope to update you on how things have been for an interesting weekend perhaps on Sunday could be Monday – you never know cos I never know! Don’t be surprised if you get the odd YouTube posting here and there in between. As soon as the proceedings of tomorrow are over I’m hoping to get back home and further map out what the presentation on Creation will be like for Church WOW. That will no doubt include research and bumping into stuff that could be worth my while to post.

In the meantime let me encourage you – God is faithful and true, He sticks by His Word and even in the darkest hour no one can extinguish the light of the truth of His love.

For His Name’s Sake

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